martedì 4 marzo 2025

Sinis Peninsula

It includes the rock and the Catalano Maldiventre Island

Sinis Peninsula
From Cabras and S. Giovanni di Sinis, you can easily reach the remains of the largest sand desert that existed in Europe until the beginning of the sixties, now almost entirely covered by a huge pine forest: the Sinai Peninsula, long 20 km. 5.
Important and large internationally for significant wetlands and wildlife sanctuaries, including WWF oasis.
The white limestone cliffs nesting birds and several species are rich in endemic plants such as purple Sinis, Limonium and others.
On the peninsula are beautiful beaches like those of Porto and Suedda Is Aruttas, famous for the white sand formed by grains of quartz, and Is Arenas known for its extension (6 km.).
Numerous archaeological monuments on the peninsula, with a high concentration of nuraghi, several coastal towers of the Spanish period, the hypogeal temple of S. Salvatore and the remains of the city of Tharros.
The Sinai Peninsula also includes the rock and the Catalan Maldiventre Island (Maluventu), the ancient Maleventius insula.
This last, with an area of ??86 hectares, only 8 km. from the coast, it is entirely covered by dense vegetation kept low by the strong mistral wind blowing most of the year.
The beautiful sea bed testify absence of pollution in the surrounding waters, why they did become the place Marine Reserve Integrale.
Contrary to the western coast, almost all with granite cliffs, the eastern allows easy landings with a succession of beautiful bays.
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