martedì 4 marzo 2025

the coast of Oristano

a coastline with beautiful beaches

the coast of Oristano
On the north coast of Oristano begins with Bosa and its pretty small stretches of sand, beach S'Abba Druche Beach Compoltitu, Turas from beach to beach of Marina relaxing at the foot of the tower.
Towards south is the white beach of Porto Alabe in Marina Tresnuraghes, after which there are the basalt cliffs created by the eruptions of Montiferru, forming a striking black wall. Once in Santa Caterina di Pittinuri basalt is replaced by white cliffs with strange plastic forms, among which Su Riu and S'Archittu, the latter a beautiful work of art of nature, a natural arch dug into the sea.
Continuing you arrive at Is Arenas with its 6 km. beach, lying between the sea and a huge pine forest. It follows the beautiful cove of Sa Mesa Longa with the same name island dominated by the cliffs of Capu Mannu.
Isthmus formed by a sandy strip are the beach resorts of Mandriola, Putzu Idu, S'Arena Scoada. From Cape Sa Sturaggia the coast suddenly becomes low, and here the rest of the most beautiful beaches of the Mediterranean, as Is Aruttas and SueddaPorto, the beaches of quartz, from the point of view of nature among the most important of Sardinia. Continuing south lies the promontory of Turr'e Seu, which houses an interesting natural oasis.
Just beyond we meet the beach of San Giovanni di Sinis and the promontory of Capo San Marco, where he completed the Sinai Peninsula.
It continues with the beach of Torregrande and, beyond the port of Oristano, the wide beaches of Arborea.
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