lunedì 20 gennaio 2025
  • » Sardinia


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  • Sardinia, a huge natural park
    The uniqueness of the Sardinian territory could be considered in its entirety, a huge park natural, despite the difficulties in reconciling the interests of environmental protection with those tourist economy ...
  • Sardinia is populated by a rich variety of plants and animals
    This rich variety of landscapes is important associations with the various species of flora and fauna that inhabit them. The vegetation is primarily a strong representation of oak, the most common tree in the region ...
  • between cliffs, smooth rocks, deep bays and long white sandy beaches
    The region boasts a diverse coastal profile that stretches for 1850 km. (including smaller islands), almost a quarter of what the whole of Italy, with its cliffs, cliffs along the sea, deep coves, white beaches ...
  • Sardinia has an uneven and fragmented
    The internal territory, although it is mostly made up of hilly areas, gives the visitor a strong impact mountainous, because of its uneven and fragmented. The findings, mostly of granitic and sedimentary ...
  • Citroen DS3 centers for the fourth time success in the flag of the World Rally Championship
    For the French, winner of seven world titles, this is the fourth success in Sardinia. In second position have concluded the Finns of the Ford Fiesta RS WRC Ford Team Abu Dhabi World Team Mikko Hirvonen and Jarno Lehtinen ..
  • a symbol of Sardinia
    Carasau tells of a people austere but hospitable people of great dignity even in moments of deep trouble. Carasau bread is a part of the history of Sardinia, as the most fascinating stories, has ancient origins ...
  • route on the most southern spur of Sardinia
    It 'a succession of beautiful beaches and coves, characterized by a transparent sea gently sloping, along a route that crosses the famous resorts of Pula, Domus de Maria and Teulada, between environment and history ...
  • in the territory of Cagliari and Quartu Sant'Elena
    Wetland of international value of the most important in Europe, it is a rare example of ecosystem and habitat for many animal species, including the pink flamingo ...
  • where in Sardinia with your dog
    Faita Sardinia, with its camping sites and villages, is leading to a wonderful vacation in the company of his dog ...
  • a bathroom with the four-legged friend
    The beaches are limited and in summer you can not find a place, so it is advisable to inquire through the website of the beach ...
  • The city of Olbia facing the bay.
    The city of Olbia facing the bay. Rich in well-known tourist resorts, such as Porto Rotondo and Porto It has been the ancient "capital" of the Judicature of Gallura ...
  • all camping village guaranteed by the brand Faita Sardinia
    Wherever you want to go from north to south, from east to west, a Camping Village Faita Sardinia will be ready to welcome you to offer you the best of outdoor holiday ...
  • leagues from birth to 2010
    1920 Foundation of "Cagliari Football Club" 1921 Participation in the "Sardinia Cup" Participate in the 1922 championship Sardo Third Division. A new company under the name of "Unione Sportiva Italy"
  • Football League 1969/70
    The Cagliari football in the year 1969-70 is on the top list with networks of Gigi Riva, the first and only Scudetto historical society.
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