lunedì 20 gennaio 2025
  • » Sardinia


  • Wash the mussels, remove them the fine and let them open high heat in a skillet. When will all open strain the liquid .....
  • Toast the bread in the oven at 200 ° for 5 minutes, then chop coarsely with 12 g of parsley. Make open clams in a pan with 2 tablespoons .....
  • Wash mussels scraping the shell to remove impurities and eliminated the fine. In a saucepan large saute with oil ...
  • Cut the artichokes, including stems, remove the plugs and place in acidulated water for twenty of minutes. In the meantime, put the flour in a plate .....
  • Fillet and bone the fish carefully, and wash buffered with assaorbente card. Now a sauce prepared with extra virgin olive oil, juice of lemon....
  • Take two fresh artichokes, raised the outer leaves, cut into about half to eliminate tips, cut them into quarters and raise your hay inside ....
  • Roll out the fine cheese slices fresh pecorino over civraxiu bread and bake. serve hot.
  • After having cleaned and washed the dogfish, remove the liver and keep aside. Boil in salted water dogfish by boiling for a quarter from now ...
  • Wash the curls under running water. Put them in plenty of cold salted water adding a clove of garlic. Bring to a boil .....
  • Rub the eels with a handful of coarse salt to remove the mucous lining. Wash them under running water. Pat dry with a rough cloth....
  • Wash zucchini, spuntarle and cut in half lengthwise (if you are big, even cut in half). Empty it, blanched part outside, put them to drain on a cloth. Apart from....
  • Place the snails in a basket with bran or crumb of bread soaked and squeezed. Cover and leave to drain for 2 or 3 days, then put the snails in a bowl with salt, a little 'of water and vinegar .....
  • Take a large pot and put them in water razor clams and salt for at least a night. abound with salt, mettetene 2 or 3 handfuls full. clean mussels .....
  • Put the clams to drain for about an hour in salted water. To cook security clams in a pan, and when will all be open, strain the sauce ....
  • Cut the wild boar meat into small pieces and let it Marinate a few hours in red wine with onions, carrots cut into pieces, celery and bay leaf. Then .....
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