martedì 4 marzo 2025

Filu ferru

Brandy Sardinia fil ' and ' ferru

Filu ferru
The common' and 'ferru is digestive high alcohol content, colorless, non- flavored whose scents reminiscent more or less marked way the smells of wines and original pomace .
Variations to the basic distillation are flavored brandy with wild plants typical of Sardinia as strawberry tree, the seeds of wild fennel.
Methods of processing, storage and maturing. Is' a beverage that is obtained through a process of double distillation of wine and / or grape marc at controlled temperature, discarding the head and tail of the distillate.
Marc, by-product of the wine making process, are stored and then transported in authorized distilleries, where together with wines undergo the double distillation process with special stills.
The body of the distillate, which forms the drink, is kept in oak barrels and subjected to a maturation period of one year.
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