martedì 4 marzo 2025

the Mirto

the Mirto
The harvesting of myrtle berries must be executed by the plant. These must come from the natural flora or crops that are as close as possible to the conditions of spontaneity. The infusion of berries in a water-alcohol solution must last for a period of not less than 15 days, the tea is sweetened with sugar or miele.Il Myrtle liquor has ancient origins, in fact, is produced in Sardinia for several generations; But there are no written sources about it but only oral traditions as the drink was produced exclusively for family use. The recipe has been passed down from parents to children that even in historical research the oral tradition can not be neglected in the absence of written sources. Only since the mid-seventies there were reports of a production of commercially Mirto liqueur

you have

300 g of myrtle berries
200 g of Sugar
300 ml of 90 ° alcohol


Clean the myrtle berries and put them in a dark glass bottle, also pour the sugar and alcohol. Leave it to steep, keeping the bottle in the dark and occasionally stirring, the first few days, until the sugar has melted so completamente.Riporre the bottle closed and hold it there for 50/60 days.After this time pouring the liquid, filtering and pouring it into another bottle.
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