martedì 4 marzo 2025

History of Iglesias

of Phoenician origin

History of Iglesias
Iglesias was born with the arrival of the Phoenicians on the Sardinian territory, but it was not until the Middle Ages, with the conquest of the island by Pisa, in order to give more emphasis and importance to the city.
With the conquest of the '300 by the Aragonese, the city suffered a hard crash.
The sector most in these centuries had a greater demand for manpower was mining, which had a greater boost during the 800, but that's fallen in the second half of the 900 because of the emerging countries, which supplied the materials extracted prices too competitive on the international market.

Today the city of Iglesias is approving a different economic policy, geared towards the service sector of tourism, thus creating a new center of attraction that brings more tourists, not only to visit the old town, but also the areas naturist, alongside these were born Also tour to explore areas and mines that were once the economic engine of this territory.
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