lunedì 20 gennaio 2025

The coastline of Sardinia

between cliffs, smooth rocks, deep bays and long white sandy beaches

The coastline of Sardinia
The region boasts a diverse coastal profile that stretches for 1850 km. (including smaller islands), almost a quarter of what the whole of Italy, with its cliffs, cliffs along the sea, deep coves, white beaches and sheltered bays.
From the famous beaches of Gallura with the Costa Smeralda and the Sassari, the less famous and wildest stretches dell'Oristanese, descend to the Cagliaritano through the Middle Campidano and Iglesias, and then up to the Ogliastra and end with the Nuorese , is a succession of beautiful views, ideal places for every need, from families with children, lovers of sports practices of the sea, for those who prefer a holiday of peace and tranquility. Sardinia is a real small continent, a land that is the essence, the brief, the beauty of the whole world.
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