lunedì 3 marzo 2025

The territorial structure of the hinterland

Sardinia has an uneven and fragmented

The territorial structure of the hinterland
The internal territory, although it is mostly made up of hilly areas, gives the visitor a strong impact mountainous, because of its uneven and fragmented. The findings, mostly of granitic and sedimentary, are made up of a series of mountain ranges (including those of Marghine Goceano, Gennargentu with Supramonte, Limbara, Sulcis Iglesiente) culminating at 1834 m . in Punta La Marmora of the Gennargentu Massif.
In the south west, between Cagliari and Oristano, covers over 1,200 square kilometers. the flood plain of Campidano, the largest, while to the north, in the Sassari, relaxes the Nurra.
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