martedì 11 marzo 2025


Refined and elegant dessert wine and meditation, often praised for his gentle and extraordinarily elegant, traditionally regarded as a symbol of hospitality and friendship, reserved for special occasions and people. Malvasia name is traced back to the greek port of Monemvasia in the Peloponnese, where, around 1400, was activated a flourishing wine trade directed to various parts of the Mediterranean. Together with wine also spread the vines with which it was produced, and this is why in different Italian wine-growing areas, are found Malvasia grape variety with characteristics very different from each other. In Sardinia, according to some scholars, the Malvasia grape was introduced already in the Byzantine period and it spread so circumscribed in the hills of Planargia and Campidano. The probable Greek origin is confirmed by the synonym dialect "Alvarega" which means "white Greek." From this renowned grape variety produces two wines DOC differently characterized: Malvasia di Bosa and Malvasia di Cagliari. The two wines are very different organoleptic and sensory characteristics, mainly due to different climatic conditions and cultivation. What characterizes the traditional production of Malvasia di Bosa, it is aging in barrels partially filled in the presence of "flor" yeasts. This special feature gives the warm and bright golden yellow hue wine, intense and refined evolved sensory notes of ripe fruit, honey and toasted almonds; the palate a long and velvety taste persistence and great balance expressions and harmony. Malvasia di Cagliari, which does not provide for aging in cask if not for the nature reserve, is characterized by a lighter golden color and more pronounced feeling of freshness dates of fine and elegant floral and fruity notes.
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