martedì 4 marzo 2025


Fine variety and great potential for the production of wines of particular finesse and elegance dessert. Introduced in Campidano of Cagliari during the Spanish rule , its cultivation is now restricted to small areas located mostly in the south of the island. The Appellation d'Origine Controllata wine turned Cagliari was founded in 1972. The production of this delicious sweet red wine in the past experienced a period of great renown, recognized and rewarded in different national and international exhibitions, is one of the few unique wines and liqueur in Italy that can work alongside the large and well-known Spanish wines such as Porto and Madeira. It shows an intense ruby red with orange flashes and elegant aromas reminiscent of cherry jam , caramel and quince; the palate is firm and velvety, balanced and fine for sweetness and warm persuasiveness.
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