martedě 4 marzo 2025

Cala Goloritzé beach

dominated by the 143 meter high pinnacle

Cala Goloritzé beach
Among the most famous beaches of Sardinia, Cala Goloritzé flanks, the unique beauty of its sea and its beach composed of small white pebbles mixed with sand, the wonder of its hinterland, represented by a large rocky cliff that is paradise for lovers free climbing, for the famous wall Symphony of Windmills, open from Manolo and Alessandro Pillory in the late seventies.

The natural arch that opens on the right side of the bay, along with the pinnacle that rises behind the beach, 143 meters high, are among the props that make Cala Goloritzé one of the most beautiful views of the Mediterranean.
But not only. Here nature has wanted to express itself in all its glory infinite, why has reserved a small corner of the cove is a freshwater spring, in a ravine between the rocks, salt from underground and flows into the sea.

Cala Goloritzé can be reached by sea, with a sudden forbidden to motor boats traffic that covers 200 meters from the beach, just to preserve it from pollution and from the assault of tourists indiscrimato; by land, however, a path that starts from the plateau of Golgo, with a vertical drop of 470 meters, leads in about an hour and a half walk to this corner of paradise.
Goloritzč confirming its uniqueness, it has been declared a natural monument of Sardinia Region in 1993, and then appointed Italian National Monument in 1995.

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