lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Gallura itineraries Beaches

the Olbia coast towards the Costa Smeralda and even higher up to Palau and Santa Teresa Gallura; on the other side is along the stretch of beach that faces the island of Tavolara and its Protected Marine Park, to go down to Porto San Paolo, San Teodoro and Budoni.

if you want you can scroll through all the below, or choose provncia interests you by clicking on to its ink ... are you ready? go !!!

beaches in the territory of Olbia
beaches in the territory of Golfo Aranci
beaches in the territory of Arzachena Costa Smeralda
beaches in the territory of the Maddalena Archipelago
beaches in the territory of Palau
beaches in the territory of Santa Teresa Gallura
beaches in the territory of Aglientu
beaches in the territory of Vignola Isola Rossa Costa Paradiso
beaches in the territory of Badesi
beaches in the area of Porto San Paolo
beaches in the San Teodoro
beaches in the territory of Budoni

  • The beach Liccia
    near the Camping La Liccia
    Beautiful and profound with a fine white sand , bathed by the crystalline sea and served by a small kiosk ...
  • Cala Girgolu beach
    in the territory of San Teodoro
    about 20 km from Olbia , towards San Teodoro , after the village of Porto San Paolo , you come to this small bay ...
  • Porto Ainu beach
    south of Budoni
    near Tanaunella , south of the natural area of the pond of Saint Anna ...
  • Sant' Anna Beach
    adjacent to the village Baia Sant'Anna
    From Budoni to Siniscola, on the SS 125, after 2 km turn left into correspondence with loc. Tanaunella ...
  • Pedra e Cupa beach
    adjacent to the Village Camping Pedra e Cupa
    and beautiful beach that lies adjacent to Camping Pedra e Cupa, to the south of Budoni ...
  • Porto Ottiolu beach
    in the locality
    beautiful beach south of San Tedororo, in Porto Ottiolu, opposite the islet of Ottiolu ...
  • Isuledda beach
    near the village Lu Miriaccheddu
    from San Teodoro to Budoni , along the SS 125 , after 2 km turn left towards Ottiolu port and then another 2 km ...
  • Cala d'Ambra beach
    to the south of San Teodoro
    small sandy cove which lies in the southern part of the center of San Teodoro ...
  • Beach la Cinta San Teodoro
    among the most beautiful beaches of Sardinia
    beautiful long beach , which draws a large arch , an image of the territory among the most famous of Sardinia
  • Beach Lu Impostu
    rich vegetation separates it from the beach Brandinchi
    It is located in San Teodoro , near Punta Aldìa , about 2 km and a half past the town ...
  • Brandinchi beach
    adjoining the village Baja Bianca Club
    It is located along the coast tract of the Capo Coda Cavallo village , in the municipality of San Teodoro ...
  • Cala Coda Cavallo Beach
    opposite the island Proratora
    Capo Coda Cavallo continue for about 4 km and then take the road that leads to the Villaggio Punta Est ...
  • Cala Suaraccia beach
    in the municipality of San Teodoro
    also called The butterfly is in Capo Coda Cavallo near the village Baia Salinedda ...
  • beach of Porto Taverna
    in the territory of Porto San Paolo
    from Porto San Paolo to San Teodoro, after 2 km turn left towards Porto Taverna, drive about 1 km ...
  • Beach Punta Don Diego
    in the neighborhood of hotel
    from Porto San Paolo to San Teodoro, travel 800 m and turn left, go past the hotel of the same name ...
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