lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Gallura itineraries Beaches

  • Spalmatore beach
    Island of Tavolara
    on the southwest coast of the Island of Tavolara, the white sand bathed by an extraordinary transparent sea ...
  • Porto San Paolo Beach
    opposite the island of Tavolara
    in the tourist resort of Porto San Paolo, it lies near the town opposite the island of Tavolara ...
  • Costa Corallina Beach
    just minutes from Olbia
    from Olbia to San Teodoro, after about 11 km turn left and follow the signs Costa Corallina ...
  • Porto Istana beach
    among the most beautiful of Gallura
    Olbia southbound San Teodoro , on the SS 125 , after about 9 km, turn left for Porto Istana ...
  • Beach Li Cuncheddi
    near Porto Istana
    from Olbia in the direction of San Teodoro , on the SS 125 , after about 9 km turn left towards Porto Istana ...
  • Beach le Saline
    south of Olbia
    from Olbia south towards San Teodoro, along Highway 125, go ahead for 6 km then turn left ...
  • beach in Porto Pozzo
    in the locality
    about 11 km from Santa Teresa Gallura to Palau , on the right of the center of Porto Pozzo ...
  • Beach La Marmorata
    adjacent to the eponymous resort
    from Santa Teresa towards Palau, SS 133a , paths 5.3 km turn left to La Marmorata ...
  • Rena Bianca beach
    It is relaxing in the center of Santa Teresa Gallura
    It is among the busiest of Gallura, beautifully dominated by beautiful longosarda tower, a symbol of the country ...
  • Beach Valle della Luna ( Cala Grande)
    in the heart of the last hippie paradise
    from Santa Teresa towards Capo Testa, made ??3 km you reach the isthmus, go straight ahead almost until the end of the road ...
  • Cala Spinosa beach
    Capo Testa, Santa Teresa Gallura
    from Santa Teresa towards Capo Testa, scored 3 km you reach the isthmus, go straight until the end of the road ...
  • Beach Lu Litarroni
    also known as the beach Marina delle Rose
    in the municipality of Aglientu , a few km from Costa Paradiso towards Santa Teresa Gallura ...
  • Vignola Beach
    adjacent to the village of Vignola sea
    from the SS 200 turn right to Vignola , made ??500 m you reach the parking lot near the beach ...
  • Cala Sarraina
    just minutes from the junction of Cala Sarraina
    Costa Paradiso in a small cove reachable by road which starts from the junction of Cala Sarraina ...
  • Beach of Costa Paradiso Li Cossi
    also known as the beach Li Cossi
    on Costa Paradiso, after a village starts a footpath near the hotel them Rosi Marini ...
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