lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Spiagge ad Alghero

la costa di Alghero

  • Beach Porto Palmas
    near Palmadula in Sassari
    on one side with large boulders of limestone with a separate docking of boats , the other the beach to relax in the sun ...
  • Argentiera beach
    in the picturesque scenery of dell'Argentiera mines
    lying at the foot of the mining village closed in 1962, it has a beach that mixes sand , gravel and mineral dust washed by the crystal clear sea ...
  • Porto Ferro beach
    golden sand and many small shells
    dominated by three towers of Spanish sighting of the XVII sec., Porto Ferro beach stretches for about 2 km and marks the northern limit of the Coral Riviera ...
  • Torre del Porticciolo beach
    in the bay of Cala Viola
    favorite theater by fans of photographs and video footage of the Marina Tower Beach is dominated by the hill on which stands a Saracen tower ...
  • Cala Dragunara beach
    lovely beach in Porto Conte
    From Alghero direction Fertilia on the SS 127a , runs about 9.2 km and turn right towards Capo Caccia, drive another 5 km and turn left for Porto Tramariglio and reach the beach.
  • Lazzaretto beach
    It owes its name to the tower overlooking the bay
    it is a wide beach , made ??up of white sand very fine grains , is bathed in a sea painted by a thousand shades of blue ...
  • Beach Le Bombarde
    one of the favorite beaches of Alghero
    It is from the center towards Fertilia , proceeding along the coast ; after about 2.5 km turn left into corrisponedenza an alert ...
  • Maria Pia Beach
    near Felicita
    Along the coast to the north , near Felicita , you get to the beach on the Lido taking the homonymous name ...
  • the Lido beach of Alghero
    near the town
    On entering the village, past the marina you reach the beach...
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