lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Argentiera beach

in the picturesque scenery of dell'Argentiera mines

Argentiera beach
Within a very suggestive scenario, capable of telling the story of an economy that once characterized this area, the beach is just one of many reasons for attraction of this wild corner of Sardinia.
The imposing walls that resist time and weather-speak of the hard work of a people, locked in the factories of these old mines, which made dell'Argentiera one of the most significant places of architecture mining.
Here it was once extracted silver lead and zinc until 1962, after which the mining village was closed and since then these red walls have become a destination for many visitors, because the atmosphere here is full of an extraordinary fascination.

The beach lies behind these buildings, interspersed with shiny and brown rocks that emerge on the sides, creating a spectacular play of colors.
From Alghero along the coast road towards Fertilia, turn right to Santa Maria La Palma; once passed the village, turn left and continue for about 2 km, then right again to Palmadula and other routes about 14 km turn left and continue for a few minutes before coming to Argentiera and its beach .
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