martedì 4 marzo 2025

Lazzaretto beach

It owes its name to the tower overlooking the bay

Lazzaretto beach
It takes its name from the tower overlooking the bay and is located in the center of a frame of sandstone rocks over which looms the dark green of a luxuriant nature that divides the adjacent beach Bombarde.
The beach is wide and consists of fine grains of white sand.
The sea around the Lazzaretto beach is transparent and rich in shades ranging from blue to green to blue .
Among the most beautiful beaches on the coast of Sassari is a destination for many tourists , also for the numerous services that are on the rise.
To reach the Lazzaretto beach Alghero take towards Fertilia along the coast, past the junction for Le Bombarde beach and turn left after about 700 mt; another 800 meters you reach the beach.

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