martedì 4 marzo 2025

Porto Ferro beach

golden sand and many small shells

Porto Ferro beach

Dominated by three towers of Spanish sighting of the XVII sec., Porto Ferro beach stretches for about 2 km and marks the northern limit of the Coral Coast.
The sand, interval from trachyte rocks that move the beach, is for some surprisingly golden traits and their ocher grains blend to countless shells.
The crystal clear water permeated the deep inlet, drawing one of the many wonderful works of art of nature that shows off all of its beauty.
End of the bay rise two Spanish towers, Torre Negra north and south tower Bantine Sale.
A lush pine forest colleague, inward, this stretch of coast with Lake Baratz, only natural in all of Sardinia, which moves its waters in the middle of a wild and strordinario environment.
The Porto Ferro beach is just along the coast from Alghero to Fertilia first, then turn right to Santa Maria La Palma, before arriving at the fork you have to turn left and continue for 5 km, then turn right toward Porto Ferro for about 3 km.
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