martedì 4 marzo 2025

Santa Lucia Beach

in the locality of the town of Siniscola

Santa Lucia Beach
Here the sea glows with the luster and transparency which make Sardinia one of the most sought after destinations in the Mediterranean.
The crystal clear water , with green blue shades bathe the beach of Saint Lucia which is the continuation of the beautiful, wide white sand beach of the Cove .
Further south of La Caletta , at the famous and beautiful beach of Confetti , it begins un'arenile of smooth pebbles that go down to the sea by drawing reflections and transparencies strong suggestions .
The shallow water and wealth of marine fauna are ideal for beautiful swimming and snorkeling trips .
Bordered by mastic trees and juniper trees , typical Mediterranean vegetation , the Saint Lucia beach is a convenient and easily accessible , since it is located near the resort of Saint Lucia , small and charming fishing village .
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