lunedì 3 marzo 2025

spiagge a Siniscola

la costa di Siniscola

  • Berchida beach
    among the most famous spots of Sardinia
    with ample parking , kiosk and rental of pedal boats and canoes , it is easily reached along the coastal road of Siniscola ...
  • beach of Capo Comino
    with ample parking and bar service
    large dunes that go for a while 'inside, colored by green junipers ...
  • La Caletta beach
    halfway between Posada and Siniscola
    near the homonymous village of La Caletta, it is part of a long beach of up to Saint Lucia ...
  • Mar'e Flumene beach
    near The Cove
    quiet white sandy beach that descends into the crystal-clear sea from shallow waters ...
  • Cannazzellu beach
    near Cala Liberotto
    sunny, deserted and lonely, Cannazzellu beach is ideal for quiet days immersed in an extraordinary environment ...
  • Pedra Marchesa beach
    between Capo Comino and Orosei
    fine white sand bathed by crystal clear and transparent from the blue-green shades, and the shallow water ...
  • Santa Lucia Beach
    in the locality of the town of Siniscola
    bordered by mastic trees and juniper trees , typical Mediterranean vegetation , it is well served and easily accessible ...
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