domenica 22 dicembre 2024


  • among the most famous spots of Sardinia
    with ample parking , kiosk and rental of pedal boats and canoes , it is easily reached along the coastal road of Siniscola ...
  • with ample parking and bar service
    large dunes that go for a while 'inside, colored by green junipers ...
  • halfway between Posada and Siniscola
    near the homonymous village of La Caletta, it is part of a long beach of up to Saint Lucia ...
  • near The Cove
    quiet white sandy beach that descends into the crystal-clear sea from shallow waters ...
  • near Cala Liberotto
    sunny, deserted and lonely, Cannazzellu beach is ideal for quiet days immersed in an extraordinary environment ...
  • between Capo Comino and Orosei
    fine white sand bathed by crystal clear and transparent from the blue-green shades, and the shallow water ...
  • in the locality of the town of Siniscola
    bordered by mastic trees and juniper trees , typical Mediterranean vegetation , it is well served and easily accessible ...
  • a coastal stretch of the most fascinating
    from La Caletta to reach Capo Comino - S'Ena 'and Sa Chitta, then Berchida, Pedra Marchesa and Biderrosa ...
  • along the famous beach of Santa Lucia
    well organized and welcoming hosts Selema in bungalows, in mobile homes, caravans and has spacious pitches under shady trees, in an environment particularly impressive ...
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