martedì 4 marzo 2025

The evenings in Villasimius

fun music and drink

The evenings in Villasimius
Finished the day dedicated to the sea, or perhaps to discover a hinterland that will have reserved lovely surprises, turns and Villasimius, dressing evening, presents its appearance of bright and lively entertainment, including its streets, in its squares.
Shopping until late in the many shops and boutiques are alternated with music and drinks, including a good wine or a typical myrtle, a cocktail or a refreshing drink, to enjoy one of the many nightclubs and discos, meeting points and haunt for tourists of all ages.
Villasimius under the stars is an attraction not to be missed, additional opportunity for an unforgettable holiday, between sea of charm, hospitality, good food and lots of fun, in a single word: Sardinia.
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