martedì 4 marzo 2025

the city of Cagliari

in the Gulf of Angels

Lying along the coast, part of which occupied by the beautiful Poetto Beach, Cagliari is the largest city of Sardinia, as well as the regional capital.
Its territory extends over the nine limestone hills that give the city the recognition of the place of high natural value and landscape.
On all stand out the Monte Urpinu of particular environmental interest, the Colle di San Michele embellished from the medieval castle, the promontory of Cape St. Elia entered by the European Union between the SCI, Sites of Community Interest naturalistic.
The urban structure shows clear signs of the story about ancient times, from the Phoenician-Punic necropolis of the hill Tuvixeddu Roman amphitheater carved into the limestone rock, the cathedral of Pisan origins, to the Royal Palace, the seat of the court for a short period Savoy. And then the Cagliari lively and a thousand aspects that make it one of the most interesting cities of the Mediterranean.
4 are ideal routes which, through the ancient quarters Stampace, Castello, Villanova, Marina, lead to the knowledge of the heart of the city.
Along the first path, in the district Stampace, we will visit the Roman amphitheater, and several important churches including that of Sant'Efisio, whose saint is remembered every year in the spring, in a charming party with procession; then again the Botanical Gardens, the Town Hall and Villa Tigellio.
Inside the Castle district the route enters the early history, the one told in the Bastioni of Saint Remy, where, after the Lion Gate, are kept the most significant testimonies of the capital.
From the Cathedral of Santa Maria to the Royal Palace, the Church of St. Joseph in Palazzo Boyl, but also the Jewish Ghetto with the Municipal Center for Art and Reading. And yet the Citadel museum with the Archaeological Museum, famous for the finds of the period nuragico particularly famous bronzes, the Civic Theatre with an interesting artistic and musical programming, the City Palace, Porta Cristina, and the towers and the Elephant San Pancrazio.
Villanova has among its pearls the Basilica of San Saturnino, the oldest churches of Sardinia, and even the Municipal Center for Art and Culture Exmà, the Manufacture of Tobacco and the Memorial Park.
To finish with the Marina district which houses one of the most extraordinary structures of the city, the church of St. Eulalia, with its museum and its wonderful underground.
From here, going Bonaria avenue you reach the Basilica of Our Lady of Bonaria, another stage of great charm, as well as the necropolis of Tuvixeddu, of Phoenician origin that stands on the hill of the same name and includes hundreds of graves, of which the most important are the Warrior and Uraeus.
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