martedì 4 marzo 2025

The Marine Protected Area of Capo Carbonara

in the extreme south east of Sardinia

The Marine Protected Area of Capo Carbonara
The Marine Protected Area of ??Capo Carbonara lies along the south eastern coast of Sardinia, and occupies an area of ??nearly 9 sq. Km in the territory of Villasimius.
Its extension to the east side of Punta Proceddus to get to Cape Boi west.
In its most exposed to sea, actually called Capo Carbonara, overlooking the Isola dei Cavoli, stretch beautiful beaches in a sort of isthmus, characterized by the pond Notteri, to draw a unique environment, which make Villasimius one of the most fascinating of the Mediterranean.
The preservation and protection of the environment, together with the promotion and enhancement of the local economy that derives from it, as well as sustainable development and the formation of a conscience for the respect of what nature has and wanted to give to the community and to the tourist, are among the aims of the Marine Protected Area.
A territory, this, that offers many possibilities for enjoyment, for lovers of sports and nature, as well as in a didactic, as it contains many points of interest for its variety of flora and fauna, which attract tourism and sensitive respectful of that value.
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