lunedì 3 marzo 2025


  • Villasimius summer of convenience
    To take advantage of the discount call No. (070) 791052 or send mail to offers 2016...
  • in the town of Villasimius
    easily accessible by a leisurely walk, Simius beach is located one km from the center of the village of Villasimius ...
  • secluded cove of the headland
    Accessible by private boat or by hiking services into the sea from the port of Villasimius , the beach of Capo Boi is a secluded cove of the headland ...
  • in the village 10 km from Villasimius
    in the locality, about 10 km from Villasimius towards Cagliari. Follow the signs for Solanas and when you get to this small village on the sea beach stretches there ...
  • near Hotel Cormoran
    It reaches from Villasimius towards Cagliari ; after about 2.5 km turn left to Hotel Cormoran and continue for a few hundred meters ...
  • in the homonym locations in the town of Villasimius
    Starting from Villasimius towards the marina you drive 2.5 km, turn right for the village Campu Longu and go straight up from the beach ...
  • Starting from Villasimius towards the harbor
    Starting from Villasimius towards the marina , they drive about 3 km then turn right towards the camp site , after 300 m you come to the beach ...
  • in a beautiful bay north of Villasimius
    Starting Villasimius to Costa Rei , after 1.5 km turn left onto a dirt road for 2 km to reach near a restaurant ; from there another 2 km of gravel road ... more
  • near the pond Notteri
    starting from Villasimius towards the marina, after approximately 3.3 km turn left and walk.
  • the door of Costa Rei
    Located on the South-Eastern Europe, where the deep green of the maquis goes up to blend the colors on the rocks tormented by the wind, mirrored in the waters of the sea of Capo Carbonara ...
  • in the extreme south east of Sardinia
    Beautiful diving and boat trips make it extremely fascinating visits to be made in this protected area, leading to contact with a variety of ocean life and a rich backdrop of ancient artifacts ...
  • modern and equipped capable of 750 boats
    Ideal starting point for wonderful excursions by sea, on board their boats or choosing among the many rental, you can discover the beauty of the Marine Protected Area of Capo Carbonara ...
  • fun music and drink
    Liveliness and entertainment through its streets, in its squares, with a shopping until late hours in the many shops and boutiques, interspersed with music and drinks, including a good wine or a typical myrtle, a cocktail or a refreshing drink ......
  • a corner of paradise by the sea
    beaches for all tastes! Tropical, with fine white sand, or rock, full of spectacular backdrops and intimate bays ... the right answer for every need is here at the Village Camping Spiaggia del Riso ...
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