lunedì 20 gennaio 2025
  • » Sardinia
  • » The Lorighittas to Crustaceans (typical pasta of Morgongiori)

The Lorighittas to Crustaceans (typical pasta of Morgongiori)

The Lorighittas to Crustaceans (typical pasta of Morgongiori)
dispose of

320 g of lorighittas
200 g shrimp
200 g shrimp
200 g lobster
150 g of tomatoes
1/2 glass of wine Vernaccia
extra virgin olive oil


Engrave the armor shrimp and scampi and remove the black gutted. Cut the lobster into pieces. Saute the minced garlic with the oil in a large frying pan, add the lobster, prawns and shrimps and brown.
Pour the wine. Now add the tomatoes cut into pieces and season with salt. Cook the lorighittas in salted water, drain al dente and pour in the sauce.
Mix well and serve with a sprinkling of chopped parsley.
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