lunedì 3 marzo 2025

first traditional Sardinian

Suppa Cuata or Gallura soup, noodles with squid ink with ragout of grouper, Spaghetti with Ricci and Asparagus, Sea Spaghetti with saffron, and Ricotta Ravioli with Saffron, Ravioli Potato Sauce, Bread Frattau, Paella all'algherese, Soup Potatoes, Malloreddus Campidanese, Marinated sauce Boar, Lorighittas with Sausage and Scent of Laurel, Asparagus and Shrimp Linguine ...

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  • Suppa Cuata o Zuppa Gallurese
    Prepare if possible the day before the stock, the success of the dish is precisely in the care of the preparation of the latter. Once the broth ready anoint with Butter a baking pan, meanwhile .....
  • Noodles with squid ink sauce with Grouper
    Prepare the mound of flour and semolina and knead with eggs and squid ink, let rest for 30 minutes, then pull the rolling pin and cut the noodles. Prepare now sauce: Clean the ......
  • Spaghetti with Ricci and Asparagus
    Cut the last part of the asparagus stalk. In a skillet saute the garlic and cook the tips of asparagus. Drain the pasta al dente ....
  • Sea spaghetti with saffron
    Wash the clams under running water, put them in a large pan with a ladle of water and let them open moderate heat. As, remove from heat those that open .....
  • Ravioli with Ricotta and Saffron
    Prepare the flour, pour in the eggs, salt, add a little olive oil and work it all until a compact and uniform dough. Let stand for a half an hour.....
  • Potato ravioli with sauce
    Prepare a sauce with extra virgin olive oil and a finely chopped onion. Add the tomatoes cut into cubes and basil and cook for 15 minutes, season with salt. Meanwhile, cook the ravioli in plenty of water.
  • Pane Frattau
    Soak the sheets of carasau in broth, seasoned with sauce tomato and a sprinkling of pecorino until, layer by layer, the desired portion ...
  • Paella all'Algherese
    Clean the mussels by rubbing the surface well and eliminating the fine. Rinse in water Cold with clams and place them in a large pan. Let them open a high flame and remove them from the pan. We not only .....
  • Potatoes soup
    Cut the potatoes and tomatoes into cubes. Let dry gently in a little oil the onion and chopped carrot. As soon as the onion is wilted, the potatoes together ....
  • Malloreddus alla Campidanese
    Lightly fry the sausage, cut into pieces, up to browning. Remove the sausage from the pan. In the bottom obtained add the garlic, peeled, preserves, saffron ....
  • Malloreddus al Sugo di Cinghiale
    Prepare the chopped carrot, celery and onion into small cubes, put everything in a pan with a little oil. Add after a few minutes salt and pepper and continue browning. Add the wild boar meat ....
  • Maccarrones de Busa a sa Sarda (Maccheroni al Ferretto)
    Heat the oil in a pan, add the onion and let it brown. Add the pork, do it brown well, moisten with the Vernaccia wine ....
  • Lorighittas with Sausage and Scent of Alloro
    Brown the sausage (crumbled and without skin) in a pan with oil, the finely chopped onion and the bay leaves. After a while add wine. Add the tomato ...
  • The Lorighittas to Crustaceans (typical pasta of Morgongiori)
    the armor incident shrimp and scampi and remove the gutted black. Cut the lobster into pieces. Saute garlic crushed with the oil in a large frying pan, add the lobster ..
  • Linguine with Asparagus and Shrimp
    Wash the asparagus, cut the woody part and put them in a pan with oil and garlic browned previously. Cook slowly adding some spoon of water until the asparagus .....
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