lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Sweets traditional Sardinian

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  • Sweet peaches
    Whisk the egg whites stiff steadfast with half the sugar and the egg yolks with the other half. Meanwhile turn the oven at 170 ° C. Add the yolks to the mixture egg whites, stirring from top to bottom ....
  • Piricchitus
    Put aside and knead the egg yolks with the sugar and add the egg whites, oil, lemon juice and grated lemon, finally the flour and pinch of salt. When the dough...
  • Pardulas
    Prepare the filling by mixing in a bowl the grated cheese , a whole , 3 egg yolks , lemon zest and the orange , saffron , sugar and 200 g flour . Work...
  • Pabassinas
    Put the raisins to soak for ten minutes in a bit ' of water, then dry it and flour it. Mix the flour with lard working with your fingertips, then add the egg and the yolk ...
  • Ruioli, Arrubiolos, Orrubiolus
    We put in a bowl, cottage cheese, grated zest of' orange, the whole egg, sugar . We knead thoroughly with a fork and add the flour. L' dough should be enough ...
  • Origliette
    Knead the flour with lard and eggs, work well until a dough, cut into strips about 2 cm with a cutter and getting the typical form. Fry in hot oil ...
  • Mustazzolus
    Mix the flour with the water and the yeast bread. Let stand for a few hours. Then continuing to knead you incorporate 500 grams of sugar, baking soda, cinnamon and lemon zest...
  • Meraviglias (chiacchere)
    In a bowl, work the flour, lard, sugar, Vernaccia and brandy until you have a smooth paste. Let stand and stretch some sheets about ¼ cm high and cut ...
  • Gateau di Mandorle e Pinoli
    Prepared the work plan marble or wood sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut almonds fairly thin slices and toast them in the oven for a few minutes. Caramelized sugar ....
  • Gateau di Mandorle
    Prepared the work plan marble or wood sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut the almonds fairly thin slices and toast them in the oven for a few minutes. Caramelized sugar in a pot ...
  • Sas Gallettinas
    Whisk the eggs with the sugar and strutto. Aggiungere the flour, baking powder and lemon peel. Let the dough rest in the fridge for an hour , covered with a cloth. Roll out the dough to a thickness …
  • Fatti fritti
    In a bowl pour the sugar with the eggs , start to knead by hand, then add the flour and milk into which you have dissolved the yeast. Put the lard, the grated rind of lemon ...
  • Cotognata
    Carefully wash the quinces and apples spazzolatele to remove the hair without damaging the skin . Cut into pieces, preferably of equal size and not too small. Put the pieces in a pot ...
  • Copuletas
    Knead the dough by incorporating lard into the flour, adding a little warm water until the mixture is homogenous and compact compound. Prepare now for the filling by placing the water with lemon ...
  • Double donuts to Jam
    Mix quickly and in the order : eggs , sugar , lemon, vanilla, melted margarine or lard, baking powder and flour.You get a pastry type dough a little softer.Roll out with a rolling pin. With stencils ...
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