lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Seconds of the Sardinian tradition

Mixed Grill of Fish, Mullets Roast, Red Mullet with Vernaccia, Cordula cun prisucci (braid with peas), Rivea, Sa trattalia or offal, Sea Bass with Saffron Potatoes and tomatoes, cuttlefish with peas, Scampi Gratin, Roasted Sausage, Purpuzza, Fish Capone to oven, Fish to Bosana, Sheep Coat, bream with artichokes, prawns Filu e'Ferru, Sa Cordula or knows Rope, Goat with thistles, Vernaccia Lobster, Lobster Catalan ...

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  • Pecora in Cappotto
    In a large pot put the meat with all the herbs, dried tomatoes, carrots and celery. Cover everything with water and add salt. When the meat is almost cooked ...
  • Bream with artichokes
    Clean and finely cut the artichokes and place them in cold water with lemon. Scaled, gutted and washed sea bream. Use the lemon zest, garlic and chopped parsley, salt to flavor ...
  • Roast mullets
    Scaled mullet, Gut them, wash them in cold water and pat dry. Prepare now for a sauce with olive oil, salt, parsley and chopped garlic . Marinate do with this sauce ...
  • Mixed Grilled Fish
    Clean and wash the fish without removing the scales, clean and wash the shellfish and crustaceans and prepared the embers. When it is ready placed the grill and proceed to cooking. Apart prepare ...
  • Prawns Vernaccia
    Finely chop the parsley together with the garlic . Oil mix them in a bowl and make an emulsion . Arrange the shrimp next to each other in a baking dish obtaining a single layer and no gaps ...
  • Shrimp Filu e'Ferru
    Engrave the back of the shrimp to devein black and wash them under running water. Wash and chop the parsley together with the garlic and mix in a bowl with the shrimp. In a large pan heat ...
  • Red Snapper with Tomato and Olive Potatoes
    Wash and peel the potatoes thick , cut them into slices of about 2 mm . Arrange them on the baking sheet . Clean the red snapper , eliminating the entrails and wash it under running water . Dry with a kitchen towel and season ...
  • Mullet with Vernaccia
    Scaled mullet and sventratele . Wash them in cold water and dry . Now switch the mullet in the breadcrumbs , sprinkle with grated lemon zest and allow to sauté for a few minutes ....
  • Cordula cun prisucci ( braid with peas )
    Cook the braid in salted water for about an hour , at the end , drain and cut into slices of equal thickness( but not too thin ). Chop the onion finely and let it dry in a pan ...
  • Rivea
    Wash the lamb intestines . Cut into pieces the heart, lungs and liver . Strung the heart and lungs liver pieces on the spit , taking the intestines and the retina of lamb and wrap ..
  • Sa trattalia o coratella
    Coarsely chopped entrails of the goat and infilzatele the spit alternating between the different parts . Put to roast in the fire with glowing embers for about 20-30 minutes, by turning ...
  • Sea bass with potatoes Tomatoes and Saffron
    Squamate bass, sventratela and wash in cold water . Peel the potatoes and cut into chunks . Cut the tomatoes into wedges and add salt . Brown the sea bass in a large frying pan ...
  • Cuttlefish with peas
    Clean the cuttlefish and cut into rings. Sauté with a little oil the clove of garlic and chopped parsley . Remove the garlic as soon as it reaches a golden color and add ...
  • sausage Roast
    strictly sausage stops with the wooden skewers arranged in a radial pattern, giving it the shape of a wheel by inserting a few bay leaves ...
  • Purpuzza
    Trimmed the meat depriving nerve parts, then cut into small pieces and place in a bowl with the garlic. Salt and pepper the meat, stirring with your hands ...
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