lunedì 20 gennaio 2025

Lasagne Carasau with Eggplant and Zucchine

Lasagne Carasau with Eggplant and Zucchine
dispose of

6 sheets of bread carasau
700 g of ripe tomatoes
200 g of freshly grated pecorino cheese
vegetable broth
2 zucchini
2 eggplants
extra virgin olive oil
1 clove of garlic


Wash and slice the aubergines and courgettes. Let them grill with a little 'oil, salt and set aside.
In a saute pan of the peeled and crushed garlic clove. As soon begins to brown, add the chopped tomatoes and season with salt.
Cook over medium-high heat. Halfway through cooking, add the basil and cook until it will be well reduced. Prepare some 'vegetable broth.
Wet the bread carasau in boiling broth for 1 minute, drained and relax in a baking dish, spread the sauce like a normal lasagna, cover with a layer of cheese freshly grated pecorino cheese, grilled eggplant and zucchini and continue to do until the layers' last.
Complete with sauce and grated pecorino. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate.
The next day, heat the oven to 200 degrees, drizzle with a little olive oil, bake for about 30 minutes by covering them halfway through cooking with aluminum if they browning too. Remove from oven and serve immediately
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