martedì 4 marzo 2025

Noodles with squid ink sauce with Grouper

Noodles with squid ink sauce with Grouper
dispose of
For pasta:
300 g flour
100 g semolina
sepia taste,
4 eggs
For the sauce
2 slices of grouper of about 150 g each
400 g of tomato pulp
1 small onion
1 carrot
half stick of celery
1 clove garlic
½ cup white wine Vermentino
extra virgin olive oil

Prepare the mound of flour and semolina and mix with eggs and squid ink, let rest for 30 minutes, then pull the rolling pin and cut the noodles. Prepare now for the meat sauce: Clean the slices of grouper removing the skin and any bones. In a large fry pan with oil, garlic, onion, carrot and celery. United to the fried slices of grouper and pour the white wine; Let the wine evaporate and then chop the flesh of the fish to the sauce mixing it. Pour the chopped tomatoes and cook for about 20 minutes. Boil the noodles now for a few minutes in salted water and add to the sauce. Serve the sauce created by adding raw with oil and the parsley and chopped basil.
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