martedì 4 marzo 2025


only 5 km. from Tortolì

Only 5 km. from Tortolì, Lotzorai is a charming medieval center that has experienced in recent years an increase in tourism.
The southern end of the town, on top of a hill stands the thirteenth-century castle of Medusa, probably built by the judges of Cagliari, of which only a few ruins.
A short distance from the coast lies the Isle of Ogliastra, a picturesque rock of red porphyry, whose ancient name (Agugliastra) would give the name to the region Ogliastra.

Do not miss the pre-nuragic necropolis of Tracucu Genna 'and Tramonti, made up of about 20 graves, located on the slopes of the hill of Tracucu, prominent member of the granitic complex of Bruncu Crabiola.
The first implant of the necropolis dates back to the late Neolithic period, as evidenced by some ceramic fragments belonging to the Ozieri culture (3800-2900 BC), brought to light in the corridor of one of the tombs. The discovery of three vessels attributable to the whole culture of Bonnanaro (2350-1600aC), found in a subterranean, documents the re-use of the necropolis in the early stages of the Bronze Age.
The tombs, made mainly in the longitudinal planimetric development, are of the single-celled and multicellular. Both types have an access corridor (dromos), that in a case reaches the remarkable length of 5 m .; in some cases, un'anticella precedes one or two cells. Other emergency particular interest is the nuraghe located in the hilltop of Tracucu, which dominates the necropolis and the surrounding landscape.

The coastline of Lotzorai is a succession of beautiful beaches, some of which stretch up to rest on the green pine forests that characterize the coast of this corner of Ogliastra; among the most famous beach of Tancau, along the beach north of the coast, with white sand bordered by some rocks of red porphyry; It is equipped with many amenities such as bars and pizzerias, two campsites, pedal boats and rafts freight service, equipment Sub and an area for campers.
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