martedì 4 marzo 2025

Cala Gonone

the sea at the foot of the Barbagia

Cala Gonone
Cala Gonone is a small jewel in the Gulf of Orosei, surrounded by beautiful beaches that stretch along a coastal stretch extraordinary beauty.
The beaches of Palmasera-S'Abba Meica, Cala Cartoe, coves Ziu Martine, Fuili and Ziu Santoru and further south the Grotta del Bue Marino, among the largest and most exclusive area of ??Sardinia, as well as one of the last refuges of the monk seal , and again, a little further, Cala Luna, with one of the most beautiful beaches of the Mediterranean, are just some of the heavenly visions that open in front of the eyes.
Further south another lovely sandy cove is Cala Sisine, Baunei where to go on to meet Biriola, Cala Mariolu, Cala Goloritze, all dominated by the profile of Capo Monte Santo.

Inland open the underground caves, including the giant cave Ispinigoli, developed for about 19 km. which houses a stalagmite of over 38 m., the highest in Europe, behind a deep chasm called Abyss Virgins.
To the south of the country is the Gorroppu, an impressive canyon opened between perfectly vertical rock walls towering over 200 meters.
In the center of the small town is dotted rooms for entertaining, good restaurants and attractions of particular interest, such as the Aquarium for an exciting journey into the depths of the sea.
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