martedė 4 marzo 2025

La Barbagia

land of mountain and shepherds

La Barbagia
Barbagia, land of mountain and shepherds, is divided into Barbagia Ollolai (between Nuoro and Fonni north of Gennargentu), to Belvė (between Laconi and Aritzo), to Seulo (extended until Campidano) and that of Mandrolisai in the northwestern sector.
The name of the region comes from the Latin Barbaria (barbarians), name given by the Romans to the local people for their shy and proud that he never let himself completely subject.
Because dell'asprezza land, fully immersed in the Gennargentu and the Supramonte, Barbagia has always lived isolation, something that has strongly delineated the character that most private of its people that has been able to preserve traditions, culture and language, the latter considered the spoken Sardinian purest.
The local festivals are the best opportunity to enter this world, made of magical atmosphere of the early Christian derivation, as the famous Carnival of Mamoiada with the parade of Mamuthones, men wearing wooden masks scary dressed sheepskins.
Due to its difficult access this land, in the heart of Sardinia, has also preserved sites and landscapes, as near Dorgali with the Gola Su Gorropu, a narrow canyon from vertical walls hundreds of meters high, and the caves of Ispinigoli, where the stalactite-stalagmite highest in Italy (over 70 m.). Of outstanding natural beauty in the landscape of the Supramonte, to south of Nuoro, a vast dolomitic limestone plateau that reaches the Gulf of Orosei, including the territories of Oliena Orgosolo Dorgali, Urzulei and Baunei. Oliena, country widely known for handicrafts and food and wine production, you can reach the source of Su Gologone, neighbors nuragic sites of Sa Sedda 'and sos Carros and the famous village of Tiscali, built inside a sinkhole.
Perched on a slope at the eastern edge of the Barbagia Ollolai is Orgosolo, one of the symbol of the culture barbaric, whose buildings were covered with murals made by various artists from the second half of the '900 by interpreting the conflict between modern culture and tradition.
Walking the streets, it is likely that attention is drawn to the encounter with the women of the country entirely dressed in black with a quick pace quickly disappear in the narrow streets. Porta Gennargentu is Fonni, 1000 m. height of the highest town in the island, overlooking the peaks of Punta La Marmora and Bruncu Spina.
A tourist resort both in summer and winter, is the starting point for many mountain routes climbing the ridges Gennargentu. At about 15 km. is the step of Corr'e Boe (1,235 m.), on the state road 389 southeast of Fonni, which marks the border between Barbagia and Ogliastra. 8 km. south of Fonni, is Monte Spada, on the northern slope of the mountain, where there is a modern tourist resort with ski lifts winter.
At the foot of the Gennargentu is Gavoi, pastoral center with the typical architecture of granite with local restaurants that offer cuisine barbaricino, place of production of the typical products of sheep farming, where through the highway to reach the lake Gusana between artificial lakes most beautiful of Sardinia.
A short detour from Gavoi you reach Ollolai, typical place of production of baskets of Asphodel.
Continue to Desulo, the mountain village where many women still wear a distinctive red dress with cap, and then Tonara, known for the delicious nougat, appreciated export product Belvė where you can admire the typical houses of the Sardinian mountain and an interesting Science Museum natural with specimens of endemic species of flora and fauna of the Gennargentu, and Aritzo, mountain tourism capital of the island, with welcoming hotels and restaurants, surrounded by woods of chestnut and hazel and where it is not uncommon to see woodworkers work the streets of the country.
In Gennargentu Arzana, there are many sites of archaeological interest, such as the remains of nuraghe and the nuragic village of Ruinas and nature, including the gorges formed by the tributaries of the river Flumendosa, the forest of millennial Tedderieddu rates and maple Europe's largest.
From Arzana you can reach the top of Punta La Marmora, as well as from the side of Villagrande Strisaili, other interesting places in terms of natural.
A Seui, it must see the enchanting forest of Montarbu with the nearby Lake Alto Flumendosa, one of the most beautiful landscapes within the Green Train.
Not far it is Sadali with a beautiful old town and the interesting surroundings where the waterfall San Valentino and the cave Is Janas.
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