martedì 4 marzo 2025


with the wild beach Orvili

About 7.5 km away. north of Siniscola Posada is located, built on the ruins of the Roman site of Feronia and dominated by the ruins of the castle of Fava, built in sec. XII when the town was the capital of Curatoria Montalbo in Judicature of Gallura.
Remain today, visited with local guides, a large tower and part of the keep.

Along the coast is the large beach Orvili that extended for several km.
Bordered by a pine forest, it appears wild and lonely.
Inland, about 13 km. from the village, it is the lake of Posada, a large artificial lake created by the damming of the river, up to the close of Maccheronis, nestled in a pleasant mountain landscape.
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