lunedì 3 marzo 2025


  • inside the camp
    followed by the owners, the Pizzeria Restaurant offers meat and fish dishes for a living all to enjoy, even at the table ...
  • The super offers for your holidays in June
    Super Camping Ermosa offer for a holiday in the open air, in the green of the Mediterranean, close to the Su Tiriarzu beach, awarded 5 sails from Touring Club and Legambiente
  • near the center of Posada
    on one side a beautiful crystal clear blue sea , the other on a green vegetation that stretches up to the Longu ponds and Round ...
  • in Posada territory
    Posada towards La Caletta , after 1.5 km turn left and follow the signs to San Giovanni ...
  • where it empties into the river Posada
    at the estuary of the river Posada , to the north of town , in an environment of strong suggestion ...
  • with the wild beach Orvili
    It built on the ruins of the Roman site of Feronia and dominated by the ruins of the castle of Fava dominating the Marina ...
  • young, but discreet and multicultural
    structure evolving, run by its owners, with plots and bungalows, but also of some apartments ideal for a stay in comfort ...
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