martedì 4 marzo 2025


Ground pearl of Ogliastra

An area of ??untouched beauty, with its 40 km of coastline that alternates between wet wild beaches and coves by a clear sea that lies beneath tall limestone ridges, which make the territory of Baunei a corner of the most extraordinary in Sardinia .
The town has the typical characteristics of a mountain village, overlooked by a rocky wall as if to protect the beauty of the coastal stretch that sees fascinating places, such as Portu Petrosu, Cala Bigiala, Aguglia di Pedra Longa, Capo Montesanto, Cala Goloritze, Mariolu , Cala Sisine.
The basalt plateau of the Golgo chasm "Su Sterru" draws a naturalistic environment of strong emotions, those that try visiting As Piscinas, a series of natural basins for rain water which in the past were used in the work metal, but also to perform magic rituals.
Near the nuraghe Coa 'e Serra is an example of what that ancient history has here a great presence.
Baunei territory the town of Santa Maria Navarrese, a small pretty seaside resort that has as its background the Supramonte and in front, fell in its crystal clear waters, the island of Ogliastra is a stop not to be missed on a visit to this wonderful corner of Sardinia.
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