domenica 19 gennaio 2025


you have

500 g sweet almonds
40 g bitter almonds
500 g of sugar
Zest of 1 lemon
5 egg whites
sugar for the cover


Bring the water to a boil and dip the bitter almonds and sweet, drain and spellatele. Arrange on a baking sheet to dry them at 150 degrees. The almonds need to dry without taking color. When cold chop (pestandole of a mortar or passing it in the mixer). Once chopped, add them to the sugar and the lemon zest. Mix well and let the mixture stand. Now incorporated the egg whites until stiff processed until you get a soft, smooth dough. Prepare Now the balls moistening your hands in a bowl of water, place them on a line on sugar, arrange them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper with no bottom to zuccerato and mash slightly to get the characteristic shape. Remember to space them adequately because during cooking the dough tends to make volume. Let stand about 20 minutes (in the meantime, turn the oven to 180 °) and then started to fire by lowering the temperature of the oven at 160 degrees for about 15-20 minutes. Check your macaroons and remember that should not become darker than a warm honey-golden color.
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