martedì 4 marzo 2025

Candied orange

Candied orange
you have

orange peel
1/2 lemon

Wash the oranges, dry them and cut the peel longitudinally removing the top cap and bottom. The rind should be cut into wide strips about 1 cm. Fill a large bowl of water and let it soak the bark for about 3 days, changing the water twice a day. After completing this operation rinds dipped in a pot of boiling water and let them soften over low heat for about 10 minutes after boiling. Drain and dry them and leave at least 6 hours on a dry cloth (it would be ideal exposure to the sun). For the candied orange peels have to weigh and use equal weight of sugar. So you put in a large pan the sugar, lemon juice and zest and mix and a gentle heat. Allow to cool, taking care to divide the peel that are attached between them. You can serve them plain or with sugar (when still warm let them roll in granulated sugar).
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