martedì 4 marzo 2025


you have
1 kg of quince
500 g of sugar (for each kg of puree)


Carefully wash the quinces and apples spazzolatele to remove the hair without damaging the skin. Cut into pieces, preferably of equal size and not too small. Put the pieces in a pot and pour cold water up to a finger below the level of quince. Cover and simmer over medium heat until the meat is very tender, almost flabby. Turn off and let cool with the lid. Once it cooled the mixture frullatelo with all the cooking water. Weigh the puree and add the sugar. Remember that for every kg of puree necessary to add half Kg of sugar. Pour the puree in an aluminum pan, large so that the puree does not exceed 2-3 cm thick. Put the pan and cook over moderately lively heat, stirring frequently with a flat-tipped wooden spoon to pull well from the bottom and not to burn the fruit. When the mixture has reached a consistency that it falls from the spoon just shaking, pour it on a shelf covered with baking paper and roll level it with the blade of a knife until you have a rectangle roughly the thickness of a few centimeters. Let it dry for two days in a ventilated place. Turn over, then, still on cookie sheet and let dry for two more days. then cut into regular pieces, wrap each piece in plastic wrap and store in a cool dry place: will keep for years.
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