martedì 4 marzo 2025

Fatti fritti

Fatti fritti
you have
100 grams of sugar
4 eggs
1 Kg. Of flour
1/2 liter of milk
60 g of yeast
100 grams of lard
1 grated lemon rind
2 orange zest and juice
1 small glass of brandy or filu and Verru

In a bowl pour the sugar with the eggs, start to knead by hand, then add the flour and milk into which you have dissolved the yeast. Put the lard, the grated rind of lemon, oranges and juice of orange sun, and finally the filu and Verru. Knead the dough for about 10 minutes, remember that the more you work the better the results, then wrap the container with a towel over it and a warm blanket, and let rise for 2 hours and a half, in a warm place where you have the fireplace even better placing him on to a chair in front of it. After the first rising take pieces of dough a little at a time, roll them with matarello with 2 cm thick around and create the donuts with the hole in the center, put them on to other tea towels placed on a table, where you previously put the flour and let them rise for another hour. Heat plenty of oil and start frying, using a wooden spoon you have to brown them on one side and then the other, finally drain them on paper towels, and still hot pass them in sugar.
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