martedì 4 marzo 2025

Sapa cake

Sapa cake
you have

2 eggs
150 g of sugar
1/2 liter of sapa ( sapa sapa and orange of prickly pears ) x 1/2 kg of flour
1/4 liter of milk
1 teaspoon baking powder


Working in a large bowl the eggs with the sugar, and gradually add the flour and sapa, working the mixture so that no lumps are formed. Meanwhile soften the raisins in milk. Once the mixture is perfectly blended is added to the milk with raisins . The dough should be very soft but not liquid. Finally add the baking powder and mix well into the compound . S'imburra a baking sheet and sprinkle with flour, pour the mixture making sure to prevent the surface , using a spoon, the raisins. It puts in a preheated oven at 250 ° and leave it for about half an hour. Once cooled is placed in a tray and decorate with sapa and traggera.
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