martedì 4 marzo 2025


you have

1 kg of cottage cheese
1 kg of flour
250 g of sugar
4 eggs
1 orange peel and 1 grated lemon
a pinch of saffron
a tablespoon of lard
Salt to taste.
honey and imps to decorate


Prepare the filling by mixing in a bowl the grated cheese, a whole, 3 egg yolks, lemon zest and the orange, saffron, sugar and 200 g flour. Work it all until mixture is well blended and smooth. Set aside and let rest. Prepare the dough, knead the remaining flour (800 g) with lukewarm water, keep working gradually adding the remaining 3 egg whites, lard and a pinch of salt. When the dough is soft and elastic, pull it into thin sheets and cut it into large disks as a coffee saucer (about 10 cm). Put on each circle of dough a stuffed ball (a little larger than a walnut), raise and wave the edge of the dough around the filling and close it with pinches to give each pardula the right shape. Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour and carefully lay down on soft cheeses. Cook in preheated oven, over medium heat (about 175th), for about 30 minutes early when they are golden. Sfreddare leave. Grease them with warmed honey and decorate with devils (multicolored sprinkles), said in Sardinian Tragea.
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