martedì 11 marzo 2025

Lamb stew with peas

Lamb stew with peas
you have

1 kg of lamb
600 g of peas
200 g of ripe tomatoes
1 onion
3/4 of a glass of Vermentino wine
extra virgin olive oil
salt q.s.


In a large saucepan saute the meat cut into small pieces with the oil and pour in the wine over high heat. Remove the meat from the pan and into the cooking liquid, add the finely chopped onion and sauté. Also add the peas, salt and cook and if necessary a bit 'of boiling water. Diced ripe tomatoes, add the peas and continue cooking. After about 15 minutes even put back the browned meat, cook over low heat with the lid and add salt. When the peas and the meat will become tender, turn off and serve immediately.
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