martedì 4 marzo 2025

Squid stuffed baked

Squid stuffed baked
disponi di

18 squid from 150 g ca
400 g of breadcrumbs
3 dried tomatoes
Parsley q.s.
Garlic q.s.
white wine Vermentino di Gallura


Clean the squid by removing the skin and emptying the inner bag. Cut off the heads and tentacles and fry in a pan with a clove of garlic. Once chopped fried everything with a crescent and place in a bowl with the breadcrumbs, chopped sun-dried tomatoes, parsley and chopped garlic. Add the white wine and olive oil until you obtain a homogeneous filling. Fill the bags of the squids with the mixture, close them with a toothpick and store them in a baking dish. Pour over a little olive oil and the mixture was and cook in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes, making sure to soak the squid half cooked with a bit of white wine.
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