lunedì 3 marzo 2025


  • part of the long beach of Cala Liberotto
    white sand with pink hues, the Mediterranean on one side, while on the other crystal-clear sea ...
  • 14 km north of Orosei
    large dunes that go down to the white wet sand inside a crystal clear sea ...
  • 14 km north of Orosei
    large dunes that go down to the white wet sand inside a crystal clear sea ...
  • part of the beach of Marina di Orosei
    the width of this beach and the need to make a walk Isporoddai beach a very quiet ...
  • very quiet
    Barone is on the south part of the great beach of Marina di Orosei , which stretches 5 km ...
  • near the town
    its last offshoots south are called Su Barone beach, Isporoddai beach and Osalla beach ...
  • near Cala Liberotto
    very busy during high season, is appreciated by enthusiasts of diving and water sports ...
  • wide strip of white sand
    sunbeds and umbrellas, bars, restaurants , shops , campgrounds, a set of opportunities to guarantee unforgettable days ...
  • historical capital of Baronìa
    the beaches of Marina di Orosei-Osalla, backed by pools of Cedrino, is a tourist destination for international ...
  • a few steps from the Oasis of faunal Biderrosa
    where the green ends of a delicate nature and unspoiled, that infuses the fragrance of its flowers, begin unmistakable colors of the crystal clear waters of the Gulf of Orosei, able to surprise and excite ...
  • small chest of hospitality located on the sea in the pine forest
    born in 1970 as a place to vacation for a few friends to live and find themselves in direct contact with nature and with the people, he has been able to maintain over time the unique style ...
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