lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Environmental Protection

Sardinia, a huge natural park

Environmental Protection
The uniqueness of the Sardinian territory could be considered in its entirety, a huge park
natural, despite the difficulties in reconciling the interests of environmental protection with those
tourist economy. Among the parks are identified the Maddalena Archipelago National Park,
established in 1996 with 180 km. of coastline (20,000 has.), the National Park dell, born with the law
1991 amended in 1997 (5,200 ha.), the Gennargentu National Park and the Gulf of Orosei,
established in 1991 (73.935 ha.), the Regional Park Molentargius-Saline, the 1999 (1.622 ha.), the Park
Regional Nature of Porto Conte, of 1999 (5.200 ha.). Among the natural reserves you locate the Island
Caprera, while marine reserves are Capo Carbonara, Sinai Peninsula, Cape d'Orso, the islands of
Casings, Tavolara and Mal di Ventre. The WWF has identified the oasis of Monte Arcosu Monte-Lattias and
that of Seu; oasis Lipu is to Carloforte. Among the wetlands will signal the Peschiera of Corru
S'Ittiri, S'Ena Arrubia and adjacent areas, ponds Càbras, Cagliari, Mistras and Molentargius.
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