venerdì 24 gennaio 2025

Flora and fauna of Sardinia

Sardinia is populated by a rich variety of plants and animals

Flora and fauna of Sardinia
This rich variety of landscapes is important associations with the various species of flora and fauna that inhabit them.
The vegetation is primarily a strong representation of oak, the most common tree in the region, in the species of oak, holm oak and cork oak, this latter from the Gallura, Barbagia north to the plateau of Abbasanta and Oristano.
In some areas of the intermediate Gennargentu Western indicates the presence of the chestnut; no shortage Finally residues of ancient forests of the Tertiary populated by badgers and holly.
In coastal areas and in the Supramonte are juniper and olive trees, and the expanses of bushy myrtle, rock rose and strawberry tree form the rich Mediterranean vegetation.

The fauna, including numerous endemic species, with the presence of many wild boars, Sardinian deer, mouflon; among other mammals are the fox, marten, wild cat, the hare and the dormouse.
Among the birds, the Eleonora's falcon, peregrine falcon, the griffon vulture, Bonelli's eagle and the golden eagle.
In wetlands bird life includes, among others, the flamingo and the rare purple gallinule.
The universe is populated by marine species common in the Mediterranean and rarities like the tortoises and the famous monk seal, located in the caves of the east coast.
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