lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Loggerhead Turtles in Cala Sinzias

on the southeastern coast of the island

Loggerhead Turtles in Cala Sinzias
September is going to be a single this coming to Sardinia.
An extraordinary event for lovers of the sea and of nature, animals and the land.
A Cala Sinzias return to spawn the turtles Caretta Caretta!
Spotted at the beach in this little corner of paradise, in the municipality of Castiadas, along the southeastern coast of the island, not far from Villasimius, while carefully laid eggs in the sand of this beautiful beach, 14 meters from the line of shoreline.
Already last year Cala Sinzias was the scene of this fascinating phenomenon, with unbelievers bathers undertaken to accompany small turtles sbucate from the sand to reach the sea and alert 1515, the competent authority.

This event is a rarity because this turtle, spread throughout the Mediterranean EAA strong risk of extinction, has characterized, as always, the beach of Rabbits in Lampedusa, the only site Italian always been a destination of the Caretta Caretta for their nesting !

Cala Sinzias is then monitored 24 hours 24 hours by the staff of the Marine Protected Area of ??Capo Carbonara, by agents of the logistics operational naval base (called "Blon") of forest rangers and supervisory environment stationed in Villasimius who will alternate with colleagues station Castiadas and by members of the regional environmental guards, even with the aid of cameras. Limit human pressure on the sites considered sensitive, in a perspective of sustainable and responsible tourism, is part of the directives of the appropriate bodies, to ensure the protection of the territory and in favor, therefore, of these extraordinary events.

It seems that the climatic conditions of this strange season are ideal to promote the hatching of a good percentage of eggs laid, usually exposed at high risk for predators, tourists and high temperature swings.
Not to mention that, once successful hatching, the baby turtles Caretta Caretta must challenge the wiles of the path that leads to the sea, and then hooks, plastics and boat propellers.
In short, a difficult challenge awaits these creatures that, for this, they also need our help and, above all, that of the competent authorities; just spotted eggs or tracks on the beach is important to notify immediately the number 1515.
  • apertura: stagione estiva 2014 in Sardegna
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