sabato 28 dicembre 2024

spiagge di Castiadas

la costa di Castiadas

  • Loggerhead Turtles in Cala Sinzias
    on the southeastern coast of the island
    spotted at the beach in this little corner of paradise, in the municipality of Castiadas, along the southeastern coast of the island, not far from Villasimius ...
  • Beach Cala Sinzias
    in the territory of Castiadas
    From Villasimius towards San Priamo, after about 9.5 km turn right to Costa Rei, still 1.5 km and at the junction go straight to the parking lot; continue on foot along the path ...
  • Beach San Pietro
    on the Costa Rei
    From Villasimius to San Priamo , after about 9.5 km turn right for Costa Rei, still 1.5 km and at the junction go straight to the parking lot; continue on foot for 500 meters along the path to the left ...
  • Sant'Elmo Beach
    near the village of Saint Elmo
    From Villasimius north towards San Priamo , we walk 9.5 km or so before turning right towards Cala Sinzias , after yet km turn left and continue for 3 km towards Cost
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